Welcome to the BLISSFUL journey

Intro to the Mind-Cleanse program


Every 6 Days will have a 2-phased approach for the conquering of the mind and its games. Again remember the secret sauce to win over the mind is not to try to forcefully control but to willingly “Let Go!”. When this mind cleanse is supported with right inputs (in terms of right breathing, right food, right drinking, right vision, right hearing and right smell) the body tunes itself to cause a healthy psycho-somatic balance. Please adopt the practices of body cleanse found here to make this mind-cleansing activity more effective. If you have already adopted the right way-of-living, then you can just add the routine of Weekly cleansing illustrated below.

The two-phased – mind cleanse approach is thus:

  • First phase of Contemplation & Comprehension
  • Focus: Assimilation, Contemplation, Observation and Comprehension
    • Day 1: Read about the complex/bias/conditioning
    • Day 2: Contemplate and note down – your thoughts, words, deeds and how they affect you and those around
    • Day 3, 4 & 5: Get mindful of the “Complex” and its various manifestations in simple life situations. Be watchful/observant of everything you think, say, do, dream or even wish
    • Day 6: Comprehend the interconnection of how you manifest your reality…through the choices you make, the words you choose, the actions you do, the reactions you emit and the thoughts that spontaneously evolve within you.
  • Second phaseof Introspection and Winning
  • Focus: Acceptance, Appreciation, Acknowledgement and Introspection
    • The key to the win-over week is to accept we play games with others and ourselves. Then to introspect 15-mins every day, these games and their impact on our holistic well-being. All of the second week, target the particular “complex” you wish to understand and conquer. The first week would give you a plan of execution. Follow-up on the plan and get mindful – be alert. It is okay to fail…it takes minutes to pick a habit but sometimes years to “Let it go!”. Just be watchful. Here are 4 easy steps to do that, which can be reinforced during the 15-minute introspection.
  1. Remember and refer the checklist or notes of the week one multiple times
  2. Be mindful, Every time you falter – first Accept that you did
  3. Take time to Appreciate the outcome of the incident or future repercussion
  4. Observe how it depletes you. Abhor the event. See the “Real self” and self-instruct to be more watchful and cautious.
  • By being vigilant through the next 6 days and following your personal plan, you will be well on the way to conquering your minds-games. You know this, yet it is worth reminding, this whole week is key to your winning-over your mind and the games it plays. Be humble, practical and acknowledge every improvement you make. Review with the mentor or Guru is possible – and ask them to give feedback – especially about invisible biases and strong conditionings.

Mind Detox 1: Uncertainty complex

As a first step of cleansing the mind – learn to know your minds games. By now, you will have known of the 4 complexes that cause us to feel worried, tense and cause internal unrest. This week we will try to conquer our “Uncertainty complex”. In general, overcome our fears.

Day 1: Understand what is fear? What causes fear, worry or tension in us? Read on the ill-effects of fear on our body and mind. Appreciate the biological need of fear, a natural mechanism to enabling sustenance and safety. Chart out your fears and consider their sources.

Day 2: What is the basis of every fear you nurture? Categorize people, events, situations, things, etc. that cause fears in you. Look at them objectively – are they valid? Are your making anticipations that are just probable or may even be impossible? Is you fear real or apparent? When did you first start experiencing it? What have you to lose?

Now, just empower yourself with this “Power” to overcome FEAR. No matter what it is, no matter what the consequence, know the absoluteness your “Real self” and understand the insignificance of every limited individual. The one weapon against all fears is – Stay Positive & Let go!

Just let go…what will happen? Does the sky come crashing down or the earth split in two? Even if they do, is that something you want to control in the limited body and time you are here? Remind yourself, we are all visitors with a larger purpose – “This too shall pass…”

Day 3 to 5: Vigilance and Observation is the key on these days. What causes you fear in various situations in life? What is uncertain? How much of it is under your control? Why do you want to control it? Be watchful. Be vigilant…observe all actions, thoughts and words – that cause “Uncertainty” and “fear of the Unknown” in you. Note them, with consequences.

Day 6: Look back at the week past. What all triggered “Uncertainty”? How many of your fears manifested? How many did not and how many turned out to be pleasant surprises?

Prepare a brief plan covering:

  • What you will do to avoid those situations
  • What will you do not respond and not react
  • What will you do to handle the situation differently so as to be more calm and collected without “Risks”
  • What are the Risks? How severe are they?
  • For every Risk – what is the response plan?
  • For Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns – what and why do you fear?
  • Have practical steps on what you can do to overcome the uncertainty and take control of some aspect of your life.
  • Have alternate plans if primary plan fails
  • When all else fails and things go awry, learn to accept and “Let go!”

Prepare your own approach to address uncertainty and review with a friend/mentor/Guru.


Mind Detox – 2: Personality Complexes – Superiority / Inferiority complex

As the second aspect of cleansing the mind – learn to know your personality type and the complexes that have defined you, which arise from beliefs and “identification biases” within your mind. Take time to revisit the article on the 4 complexes that disturb us internally and their root causes. This week we will try to conquer our “Personality complexes: Superiority/Inferiority complex”. To do so, we have to contemplate/observe our thoughts, words and deeds that cause inclination to compare between the state of individuals, and make illusory conclusions based on prejudice. It might cause one to think the self is superior to the other or that the other is superior to the self. Both of which are hasty and/or misplaced.

Day 1: Understand your true Self. Who are you? Ask yourself the question “Who am I?” Initially we may be so full of answers. Many of us have way too many identifications, with County, State, Nationality, Language, Religion, Region, Caste/Creed, Organization, etc. Now, try to give an answer that does not relate to any assumed identity that was given to you by the world. Just answer “Who am I?”, to your own Self! Eliminate all associations given by society or connecting you to people relationships like son/daughter of so and so, brother/sister, spouse of, etc. Avoid all associations that connect to offices you hold/held, boss/sub-ordinate of, businesses you run/ran, initiatives you started, war or battles you fought, etc. Now after stripping yourself off all that is external to you, contemplate “Who is the Real you?!”

Many of us may draw a blank! What causes in us a void to answer this seemingly simple question? What causes our position in existence, to be relatively defined in respect or accordance with others? Well, you will see it is simply a sense of personal “identity” which we have imparted to ourselves or which society had imposed upon us. Why do we set and try to deliver to expectations based on this assumed or false sense of identity? What does failure of meeting expectations lead to? Read on the ill-effects of comparison, expectations and stress introduced due to comparison on our body and mind. Chart out your thoughts – post the contemplation.

Day 2: What is the basis of this individuality and feeling of identity you experience? Did you observe on Day 1 and contemplate what causes this feeling of separateness from others? That which makes us feel “individually” distinct from all others. That which gives us the feeling and yearning to be different. Perhaps to be unique, to be better than all others, to be happier, to be wiser, to be richer, to have more…that which causes us to compare. That which frustrates us when we are not good enough in a certain disciple or dimension. This feeling is caused by the mind – and is the Ego (Aham) – part of the “ID” in psychology. This state of individuality consciousness causes a position (perspective) that we take to look at everything from our pivot. That is turns makes things appear comparative or relative – right, wrong, small, big, better, worse, etc. Then comparison leads to judgment and judgments to bias, the sum total of our biases define our reactions to situations, conditioning of our thoughts and drive our words and actions, which in turn define our personality.

Note this Aham – the ego and its preferences – can cause mental-insufficiency or mental-stress, it can cause negativity. In some contexts, you might have heard of the word “positive stress”.  Stress is not positive/negative. It’s effects as perceived by the individual body-mind are! Our superiority or inferiority complexes – a psychological state of being – when exposed to stress cause us, to undergo the urge of motivation to excel or the surge of despair to lose hope. So it is the personality trait within us, that causes the pleasure or the pain of reacting to stress, than conquering and regulating it. Respond to situations, do not react, is a simple management principle. The way to live that principle is to experience sufficiency of being and stay balanced even on the face of stress.

Categorize people, events, situations, things, etc. that cause stress and comparison within you. Look at them objectively – what about them do you admire or abhor? Why do these things trigger a feeling of insufficiency or superiority in you? Why do you feel the need to exploit or avoid a situation? Are your making anticipations that are just probable or may even be impossible? Is your feeling of expansion or diminution – real or apparent? When do you start experiencing it? What triggers it? Can you avoid the triggers? What have you to lose if you admit the personality trait and check it from growing?

To cleanse yourself of a Superiority/Inferiority complex, first admit and accept that all of us – No matter who/what we are, from deep within have the same origins. Treat all as equals. Comparison stops when equanimity begins. When we know the absoluteness of our “Real self”, we see ourselves manifested in everyone else and understand the insignificance of ourselves as limited individuals. The one weapon against Aham(ego) is – Submission & Equality!

Just admit your ego to a Guru or life-coach. Submission – is not about becoming inferior to the Guru. It is about sincere admittance or acceptance of one’s limited self and its limitations. What happens when we do this? Firstly, our complex will be under a conscious check. We now know, we are under observation. That will cause us to be more mindful. Secondly, since we admitted to our complex, we will be more determined to make a change for the better, towards a more balanced life. Thirdly, our Guru or coach will guide us accordingly to overcome the complex and remind it to us when we falter. Over time you will overcome the feeling of superiority/inferiority or nature will teach you lessons to keep checks-n-balances that will course correct you. “Loving all as one and seeing the Soul or Real Self is key here…”

Day 3 to 5: Vigilance and Observation is the key on these days. What causes your personality to overpower your intellect and cloud your judgement? Do you stay balanced in various situations in life? Are you always a fair-player? Be watchful. Be respectful and loving to all things…observe all actions, thoughts and words – that cause “Comparison” and “Preferences” in you. Note them, with your opinions, actions and consequences.

Day 6: Look back at the week past. What all triggered “Comparison”? How many of your complexes and personal beliefs manifested into judgments and actions? How often did you manipulate and influence situations to your choices/liking? Realize “Equality” – the power of seeing ourselves in everybody and everybody in us. To live equality fully and not to judge is to learn to simply “Love all!”

Finally, review your observations and contemplation of the week with a mentor, friend or a Guru. Create a journal – write them down, helps in reinforcement later – of the things that caused “Comparison and Stress”. Document your reactions, plans, conspiracies, words, actions, thoughts and minds workings in response to situations that caused or posed “Comparison”.

Prepare a brief plan covering:

  • What you will do to avoid those situations
  • What will you do to respond and not react
  • What will you do to handle the situation differently so as to be more calm and collected without “Judgement and Bias”
  • What are the Biases you have? How severe are they?
  • For every preference, opinion, bias, etc. – what were the repercussions? What was your response plan?
  • For Unknown causes of a complex – deeply introspect your personality. Find hidden biases and prejudices. Document them.
  • Have practical steps on what you can do to overcome the personality complex and take control of some aspect of your life.
  • Have alternate plans if primary plan fails
  • When all else fails and things go awry, learn to accept and “Love all, treat all as equals!” Remember the body and the mind shall go to dust. The soul lives on.
  • Prepare your own approach to address comparison and personality complexes and review with a friend/mentor/Guru.

The subsequent 6 days – introspect on the above and see how you improve.

Mind Detox – 3: Materialization of Expectation or Realization complex

When one is devoid of the first two complexes, they may attempt the third aspect of cleansing the mind – learning to overcome their own negativity and breathe-in only positivity. Based on our personality types – each of us have positive and negative energies accumulated or acquired within us through experience and actions. These often can manifest as thoughts that turn into incidents affecting our reality. Often we have been in experiences where even the impossible became possible simply because we thought of it…The more intense the thought, the higher the probability of the manifestation. While many of these incidents were pleasant surprises, not so often have we also had life-churning events causing the un-attained to be heart-broken. We then start to fear our own knowing and unknowingly worry the possibility of manifestation of expectation.

Occasionally these visions, expectations and anticipations manifest within us as deep rooted fears – ones with no apparent reason or with subtle reasons beyond comprehension. They can cause a fear beyond the fear of Uncertainty. One which can be contrasted as a “Fear of Knowing/Fearing Anticipated Certainty”. These are not because of a prejudice or a pre-disposition and hence are not from beliefs and “identification biases”. These are occasionally due to acquired “Karma: The law of what goes around, comes around!”, sometimes due to a “Siddhi: Attainments of Extra Sensory Perceptions/access to transcendental knowledge” or due to “Kala Gyana: Knowledge of Time-Effect relationships without necessarily knowing causes”.

Often these eventual manifestation of anticipations, to the average person might seem unreasonable. Events associated with these complexes and their observations are seen as coincidences by the rational mind, clairvoyance by the believers, irrational by the simple and spooky by the conniving.

Take time to revisit the article on the 4 complexes that disturb us internally and herein explore their root causes. This week as we identify with our Real Self, we will also know, that which we ought to know, that which we might foresee and that to which ignorant we will be. Having the wisdom to see the difference and the patience to observe them carefully, while staying aloof from its implications on the events of our life is necessary to clear the mental clutter.

How does one check one’s internal fears from growing?

To cleanse yourself of Realization complex, first admit and accept that in all of us – a superior intelligence resides. Let’s connect within and allow it to speak to us. And when that voice speaks, we better listen. No matter what it tells us, whether in our perspective it seems unfair, if it feels right – why resist it? Treat your conscience as messages from a higher being. When we realize the Absoluteness of our “Real self”, we know our thoughts can manifest in to reality. Manifestation of anticipation must not scare us, but rather strengthen us to lead, guide and heed. To fight the “Realization complex” is foolishness – and to ignore it is self-deception. Why then the fear of non-eventual certainty?

This week as we overcome our fear of anticipation and manifestation of our fears, we start observing our thoughts about people and things. What causes us to think negative or bad things will happen? Why do we think we know and forecast omens? What is the root cause of our ESPs? To do so, we have to contemplate/observe our thoughts, words and deeds that cause inclination to fear a vision or an imaginary reality…perhaps even a clairvoyance. Do we make illusory conclusions based on the vision? Which of these are immature impressions or wishful musings? It might cause one to believe upon certain manifestations that all their anticipations will turn into reality. The “Law of Attraction” states we create reality by thinking of it too much. We need to keep a check on what we think…and whatever we do – stay positive.

Day 1: Understand your true fears. Reinforce your true eternal identity. Knowing you are not the limited person, accept the Divine presence within you. Now allow the divine to speak to you. Try to connect to it…when your thoughts run wild, it clouds your intellect. Observe and try to know the difference. Seek to contemplate on when is something wishful thinking Vs. when is that inner voice something your intellect is telling you.

Read and understand what is the conscience. Also read of Extra-sensory perceptions. Recall on the ill-effects negative-expectations and anticipatory stress you have incurred in the past. What caused the fears to manifest? If you have an experience of a manifestation of anticipations – how certain were you of the incidents before and after the events? How did you feel about the episode? Did it make you feel frustrated, helpless or hopeless? Chart out your thoughts, reactions, caution and action – post the contemplation.

Day 2: What is the basis of this manifestation of expectation – if you experienced it? Did you observe on Day 1 and contemplate what causes this feeling of knowing, esp. of future harm or events? How did it affect you and others? Are you now shy and scared of connecting with the inner voice? Has your inner voice been subdued with year of deafness meted out to it? Some of us may not even understand and not experience this manifestation of expectations, do not worry, then you do not have this cause of concern.

For those who do, this feeling is caused by the mind Vs. intellect conflict –  It is the Ego (Aham) mis-representing or contriving what the intellect tell us, according to what It (the egoistic mind) wants to hear/happen. As indicated above it can have 3 distinct causes:

  • Often the state of individuality consciousness due to past actions(pra-rabdha) has enough information to foretell future effect.
  • Sometimes divine talents given to certain individuals causes them to have incidental visions that manifest into reality. Again the Aham there may think it is the minds(self’s) doing.
  • Sometimes a perceptive mind, receives some transcendental or taboo knowledge that causes them to intercept time and effect events out of sequence (ESP).

These causes notwithstanding, the individual who receives these messages has the choice to stay silent, react or respond to the situation – without exercising the ego. Since people are different in their evolution, within the mature mind these message are dormant/silent power and in the case of the immature mind (is ego distorted) becomes “Realization complex”. It then causes a position (perspective) that we take to look at these anticipations from our pivot. Now when we try to avoid or deter the outcome of the “Realization” if it is against us or encourage the event/happening if it seems favourable to us, we give in to our ego, therein allowing the “control” mindset, which causes pain and suffering.

Day 3 to 5: We already saw in the earlier weeks how Aham – the ego and its preferences – can cause mental-insufficiency and negativity. So once we overcome the need for being in control, once we see everything as it is, once we learn to distinguish the mind’s chatter from the intellect’s wisdom…we in principle learn to live in sufficiency, of being and staying balanced – for nothing is favourable or unfavourable – they just are as they should be. Coming to this state helps overcome the “Realization complex” and the fears associated with the manifestation of anticipations.

Categorize people, events, situations, things, etc. that cause anticipation within you. Look at them objectively – what about them do you want to control or influence? Why do these things trigger a feeling of insecurity, hopelessness or fear in you? Why do you feel the need to change or avoid a situation? Are your making anticipations that are just probable or may even be impossible? When do you start experiencing it? What triggers it? Can you avoid the triggers? What can you do to just stay collected, calm and unperturbed while you stay connected within and attentive to the voice and its wisdom.

To cleanse yourself of a Superiority/Inferiority complex, first admit and accept that all of us – No matter who/what we are, from deep within have the same origins. Treat all as equals. Comparison stops when equanimity begins. When we know the absoluteness of our “Real self”, we see ourselves manifested in everyone else and understand the insignificance of ourselves as limited individuals. The one weapon against Aham(ego) is – Submission & Equality!

Just admit your ego to a Guru or life-coach if you feel you have the power of vision and clairvoyance. Confession – will not cause you to loose it or make others think you have lost it. It is about ensuring you are guided, how to use the connect and the power of “Realization” to become realistic. Practicality will then set in. We will be cautious on how we let our minds underpinnings not disturb the course of events in nature.

During the days 3 to 5, vigilance and observation is key.  What causes your mind to overpower your intellect and cloud your judgement? Do you stay balanced in various situations in life? Are you not trying to interfere with others and events? Be watchful. Be respectful and loving to all things…observe all actions, thoughts and words – that cause “Certainty fears” and “Anticipation Manifestation influenced by your personal Preferences”. Note them, with your opinions, actions and consequences.

Day 6: Look back at the week past. What all triggered “Expectation”, “Anticipation” and “Fear of Manifestation”? How many of your fears, visions and anticipations manifested into events, incidents, judgments and reality? How often did you try to manipulate and/or influence situations to your choices/liking? Realize the law of Karma – is the only law of the material universe. Allow cause-effect relationships to take their stance, for no point fighting the Truth of the material world.

Finally, review your observations and contemplation of the week with a mentor, friend or a Guru. Create a journal – write them down, helps in reinforcement later – of the things that caused “Realization complexes”. What triggered negativity? Document your reactions, plans, conspiracies, words, actions, thoughts and minds workings in response to situations that caused “anticipation” and “manifestation”.

Prepare a brief plan covering:

  • What you will do to respect and receive these messages and understand these situations
  • What will you do to respond and not react
  • What will you do to handle the situation so as to be more calm and collected without “fear and fallacy”
  • What visions do you have? Who/What is related to it? How intense are they?
  • For every preference, opinion, bias, etc. that tends to drive or change the message – what steps do you take to stay connected to the truth and not distort it with your minds wants/wishes?
  • What was your response plan?
  • For Unknown causes of a complex – deeply introspect your personality. Find hidden talents or given knowledge. Document them.
  • Have practical steps on what you can do to appreciate the “Realization complex” and not fight it. Overcome the behavioural effects it might have on your personality by knowing what to accept and what to take control of and what to just let go in your life.
  • Have alternate plans if primary plan fails. Remember the body and the mind shall go to dust. The soul lives on.
  • Prepare your own approach to address fear of anticipation and manifestation and review with a friend/mentor/Guru.

The subsequent 6 days – introspect on the above and see how you improve.

Mind Detox – 4: Fear of Manifestation of Reality or Eventuality complex

When one has overcome the three complexes, they may attempt the final aspect of cleansing the mind – learning to overcome their fear of realityOften in life we have moments when we cannot accept reality as it is! These moments can challenge our very intellect and our sanity. The more intensely we want a certain event no not happen, fully well knowing it is “eventual”; the more we get ourselves farther and farther away from reality. Instead learning to embrace the truth and understanding the higher purpose of every manifestation, gives one the courage to accept the manifestation of reality as per the laws of nature. We often despite our selfless beings, get entrapped in wanting to change the course of nature…to our liking! That is where we start to fear nature’s ways than our knowing of what is causal and is expected.

Often these eventual manifestation of reality, to the average person will seem ruthless – even uncontrolledIt is then one must realize to the material world, everything is bounded by material laws. Everything in the spiritual world is unbounded and has only transcendental laws. Events associated with the limited Ego/Aham are non-eternal(Anithya) as compared to the absolute/Atman who is always indestructible and eternal(Nithya). Thus the materialization of reality is just a fleecing moment in comparison to the “True Identity” of the conscious. Those in knowing see this and gain the strength of distinguishing all events as temporal and their affiliations/afflictions as temporary. Eventuality complex can be overcome by observing what causes one to shy from reality. What incidents/events are rejectedby the rational mind, what causes one to take a moment to heart/head and fall prey to the games of Maya (the Great illusionist of Nature).

Take time to revisit the article on the 4 complexes that disturb us internally and herein explore their root causes. This week as we identify with our Real Self, we will also know, that which we ought to know, that which we know ought to happen and that which happens is not for us to control based on our preferences – but rather as per laws of Dharma. Having the wisdom to see the reality without bias, without indifference and yet to have the understanding to accept the happening as the best that can – is true maturity. This helps to clear the last traces of mental clutter – that entangles the mind to the material world and often causes worry, stress and negativity.

Find the link to ‘A framework for Living Well ’.

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